
Run new project

This is a preview version of Easymap for the revision of the program. For full functionality get Easymap here.

Design and execute a new project

General parameters

Project name (only alphanumeric characters are allowed):

Mapping-by-sequencing strategy (workflow):
Simulation parameters
Mutagenesis parameters:
Recombination and selection parameters:
Contig recombination frequency distributions:
Sequencing parameters:
Test sample (if your reads are paired-end, select both files while holding the Ctrl/Cmd key):
Please select one file for single-end reads and two files for paired-end reads.
The test and control read files must be different.
Control sample (if your reads are paired-end, select both files while holding the Ctrl/Cmd key):
Please select one file for single-end reads and two files for paired-end reads.
The test and control read files must be different.

Your input contains errors. Please review all the red messages in the form. Then, click on "Check input and run project" again.

If problems persist, please read the documentation.

All inputs seem correct but you can review your project now.

if you are sure you want to start this project, click on the button below.
